August 26, 2019

Wodapalooza online qualifier week 1

As I mentioned earlier, I signed up for the Wodapalooza Online Qualifier.  Well, the week one workouts are here!

Workout 1:

3 Hang Snatch 75/55
3 Overhead Squat 75/55
30 Double Unders

**Each round the reps on the Snatch and Squat increase by 3 (ex. 3, 6, 9, 12, etc . . .)**

Workout 2:

40 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 50/35
40 Pull-ups
30 Dumbell Burpees 50/35
30 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
20 Devil Press 50/35
20 Bar Muscle-Up

Workout 1 went pretty crappy.  Double unders are a well documented and long running weakness of mine.  And while I have gotten better at them, as I started breathing harder and harder, they got worse and worse.

Workout 2 went a little better, but still not good.  By the time I got to the Chest to Bar pullups, my grip was gone and I just didn't have any "pull" left.

Here's to next week's workouts.

August 22, 2019

Where's the weekly checkin?

You may notice that I have not posted a weekly checkin post in a few weeks now.  There is a reason for that.

If you don't know, I was weighing myself every morning.  I found that I was starting to focus on the number on the scale to much.  Really to an unhealthy degree.

But don't let the lack of posts fool you.  I am still focusing on my food intake.  Still working to improve my body composition.

August 19, 2019

The Wodapalooza online qualifier

This morning at the gym, we did the first released Wodapalooza qualifier workout.  It is a 9 minute AMRAP with doubles unders and acending reps of hang snatches and overhead squats.

The snatches and squats were super light, but (as usual) the double unders were the challenge for me.

After the WOD was over, my coach mentioned that she felt like I should actually sign up for the online qualifier.  I had no plans to do this qualifier, but a couple of hours later, I was signed up.

My thinking was that if I want to call myself a compeditor, I need to compete more often than once a year during the Open.  Competing, like most things in CrossFit, requires practice to get good at.

So, in a surprise to myself, I'm doing the Wodapalooza qualifier.

Anybody else doing this qualifier?

August 15, 2019

The 2019 Games

So, the 2019 CrossFit Games happened two weeks ago.

The format was certainly different.  But it was still The Games.  Rogue and Morning Chalk Up both provided solid coverage.

The cuts made the Games much more exciting throughout the whole four day event, not just the last day.  But I, like many, feel like the cut from 20 to 10 was the one thing that could have been done better.  This is the first time that I know of that many athletes have a legitimate claim that the order of the events determined who proceeded throughout the weekend.

The cut from 20 to 10 happened after the first event on Saturday morning.  If you swapped the first event on Saturday (the sprint event) with the first event on Sunday (the swim/paddle event), the top 10 would have looked WAY different.

I will say this.  In my opinion, the Games did a cut after each of the first six events.  Which is fine, but those six events ALL gave an advantage to lighter, smaller athletes.

  • Event 1 - included running and legless rope climbs, both definitely body weight dependent
  • Event 2 - included a 132 ft handstand walk, harder if you weigh more
  • Event 3 - was a 6k run, running is certainly body weight sensitive 
  • Event 4 - included bar muscle-ups, easier if you weigh less
  • Event 5 - was Mary, a body weight palooza
  • Event 6 - was a sprint that included a change of direction at a high speed, running again see event 3 above
As a larger athlete myself, I find this trend troubling.  I guess we will need to wait and see if this trend for lighter athletes continues next season.

August 13, 2019

New week, new me

Hey all!  Keep your eyes open for the #weeklycheckin later this week.

So after the last post, I feel like I've taken that next step, mentally.  Maybe writing my thoughts out helped me work through them, and come to grips with them.  I don't know.

What I do know, is that I have a fresh outlook and sense of purpose.

The other thing I know, is that The Open is exactly 60 days from today.

On that note . . .

1. Even though I have switched to hitting the gym early in the morning (a.k.a. the 5:15AM class), once The Open comes around, I'm gonna hit those workouts in the evening.  I just generally feel stronger in the evening.

2. Even though I don't regularly workout there anymore, I think I'm gonna do the Open at CrossFit Denton.  I definitely love the "Friday Night Lights" environment at CFD.

3. I am doing an olympic weightlifting cycle for the next 8 weeks to try and increase my explosive strength for the Open.  This cycle will include workouts 2-3 times per week and will be in addition to the regular gym programming.

That's it for today.  Time to put in some work.

#TheGrind #EarnIt

August 8, 2019


My thought trends the last few weeks have been less than ideal.  I have found myself thinking a lot about my abilities and whether or not I am really able to pursue my goals.  I have found myself thinking that, "if you are not good enough to succeed, then why should you even try?"

Here is a quote from my daily reading.

"Defeatism won't get you anywhere (except defeat)."

**Side note, if you guys don't have a daily reader of some sort, you should get one.  It is one thing that I never thought I would be interested in, but now that I do it, can't imagine not doing it.**

It may be surprising to my friends, who know me as such a positive person, but believe me, I have doubts.

This year has been the most challenging one I've had since I started CrossFit.  It seems like everything I have been doing has amounted to nothing.  Intellectually, I know that is not the case.  But emotionally, I have been extremely discouraged.  It makes it hard to get up every day and show up the to gym when you feel like you are making NO progress.

But I also KNOW that if I don't show up and put in the work, then nothing will change.

There was a great quote from a podcast I heard recently that sums this up:

"Just like in sports, if 2019 is going great or terrible, the final score is determined in the second half.  Quit letting a slow start distract you from finishing strong."  --Jake Thompson

That is what I plan on doing . . . finishing strong.

#TheGrind  #Earnit

August 5, 2019

Weekly checkin 8/5

Another week.  More underwhelming results. It is disheartening putting in work and not seeing results.  But I need to "stay the course", and keep my head down and keep putting in the work. Not just work in the gym, but work to stay on track with my diet as well.

Also, I got a hair cut.

Here I am at 265.2 lbs.

August 2, 2019

My forearms!

I had an interesting thing happen to me earlier this week at the gym.

We had a workout programmed that included hang cleans and pullups.  The astute among you may think to yourself "grip killer".  I thought the same thing.

The interesting part is that, I moved fast enough on this workout that my grip, and not my lungs, were the limiting factor on my finishing time.  That was a new experience for me.


I need to be more consistent on blogging. So many thing have changed, and so many more changes are on the way. I'm not at Solar anym...