February 19, 2013

CrossFit On-Ramp Day 3

Friday.  I am still sore.

Tonights activities include flipping a gigantic tractor tire and then hitting it with a sledge hammer.

First, we learned how to do a deadlift properly.

So, for clarity's sake, here is what I had to do:


Flip the tire

Jump into the "hole" in the middle of the tire

Jump out of the "hole" in the tire

repeat 7 times



Lift a 10 pound sledge hammer over head

Swing it down and hit the tire.


Repeat both of those 3 times.


Hardest workout of my life.

I was a star high school football player.  I was a walk-on collegiate football player.  I still say this was the hardest workout of my life.


Thank God I get two days off after this one.

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