March 25, 2016

16.4 (a.k.a torture)

Open workout 16.4 was released on March 17th.

This one is a rough one.

AMRAP in 13 minutes

55 Deadlifts @ 225#
55 Wall ball shots @ 20# to a 10' target
55 Calories on a rower
55 handstand push ups

Handstand pushups are a skill that I haven't gotten yet, but I figured I would be lucky to get to them. I thought when I first heard the workout, that I would be lucky to get done with the wall balls.  I knew the wall balls would do me in (they always do).

So, in formulating my strategy for the workout, I thought I should pace the deadlifts such that I would be "fresh" when I got to the wall balls.  Plus, I knew I couldn't do any handstand pushups, so I figured there was no rush to get through the deadlifts.

I decided I would do 5 deadlifts every 30 seconds.  This would get me done with the deadlifts at 5:30. Then I broke up the wall balls in sets of 13, 12, 10, 10, 10.  Then I would spend any remaining time on the rower.

How did it go?

It went almost perfectly to plan.  the deadlifts were pretty easy and surprisingly, the wallballs went according to plan as well.  Once I got on the rower, I just went with all I had.  I ended up getting to 52 calories on the rower.

Then I collapsed on the floor and stayed there for easily 10 minutes.  It has been a while since I went that hard on a workout.

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