July 29, 2019

Weekly check-in July 29th

It's Monday!

Here I am, in my 270lb glory.  Busy & lazy weekend.  I spent Saturday judging the in-house comp at Solar.  And spent Sunday being totally lazy at home.  I don't see any visible change.  Do you?

July 25, 2019

Post "Vay-Kay" work

**Sorry there was no weekly checkin this week.  Those will resume next Monday.**

Me and my family went on a long weekend / road trip this past week.

I got some workouts in, which is not the norm for me when on vacation.  I usually make excuses to not workout when on vacation, but I have more focus -- more dedication to the grind than I have previously.

Working out in small hotel fitness centers can be a challenge, but if you want to reach your goals, you gotta make time to get it in.

Anyway, on my first day back from vay-kay (Monday), I did a WOD of 5 rounds of  400m run, 3 rope climbs, and 20 box jumps.

On the VERY FIRST box jump, I hit my shin.


I didn't get pics at the time, but it swole up like a baseball on my shin.

On Tuesday, we did a partner WOD that consisted of a 14 minute AMRAP of Cindy except with 135# back squats instead of air squats.  But it had a buy-in of 60 clean & jerks @ 135# before the AMRAP started.

It was tough, but good.  I actually enjoyed it quite a bit.


July 16, 2019


***This post is a day late, sorry about that.***

Failure is what makes us better.

If you let it.

For this week's weekly check in, I confess that the "weekend happened".  I was going strong all week, but then Saturday hit, and I fell off the wagon.  Now normally, I would say, okay, let it go and make a better decision for the next meal.  Get back on that horse.

That is not what I did though.  I continued making bad decisions all day Saturday and Sunday.  I convinced myself that I had "blown it" for the day, and just let it go.

This continued into today (Monday).  Until my wife made a comment about what I was having for lunch.  Sometimes you just need a little kick in the pants.  You just need someone to call you on your bullshit.  That is what spouses are for.

Now I am refocused and ready to go again.  This is going to be even harder than usual, since I am headed out on a quick little road trip for the second half of this week.  Vacation is always hard to eat well.  But if this is important to me, then it is worth a try.

Progress (if you want to call it that) Pics to follow:

July 11, 2019


Two quotes

"Character, willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life -- is the source from which self-respect springs."

"To live without self respect is to lie awake at night...counting up...the gifts irrevocably wasted through sloth or cowardice or carelessness"
                                                                                --Joan Didion

I read the above two quotes from Joan Didion in my daily reading this morning.  Both of them really struck a chord with me.  Especially the second quote.

That one hit hard.

The fear of failure could prevent you from ever really trying.  If you don't try, then you will never succeed.

Coming off of a holiday weekend, where I ate several things I shouldn't have, and worked out way less than I should have, the thought of wasting a gift through sloth seemed like it was speaking directly to me.

That said, it is in the past.  

Do. Better. Today.

July 8, 2019

Weekly check in July 8th.

I'm looking at doing a mid-season checkup comp near the end of August.

With that in mind, I am going to be super strict with my diet over the next 8 weeks.  To help with accountability on that, I am going to start doing a weekly check-in here on the blog.  Including progress photos.

Keep an eye here on the blog every Monday for my weekly check-in.

So here I am.  I am 270.8 lbs. as of this morning.

Let's see what kind of changes I can make in the next 8 weeks.

July 1, 2019

Goal Updates

So many things have happened in the last two years.

I've had big changes at work.

I've changed gyms.

And all in all, my fitness journey has "stalled".  In some ways, it has gone backwards.

I am less fit than I was this time two years ago.

I know I will not make the games in 2020 as a masters athlete.  I also know that it is entirely my own fault.

I haven't done what is necessary to attain that goal.  Not even close.

This morning, I weighed myself, and I weigh more than I have since 2014.

That changes today, July 1st, 2019.

My mission is to do the work, and get as close to the AGOQ in 2020 as possible.

Do the work.  Focus on the grind everyday.  Let the future take care of itself.


I need to be more consistent on blogging. So many thing have changed, and so many more changes are on the way. I'm not at Solar anym...