On Monday, March 4th, I attended my first full, non-OnRamp CrossFit class. I was excited to really get going.
Not that the On-Ramp wasn't taxing, because it certainly was, but I had seen such improvement in those first twelve On-Ramp sessions, that I felt I was ready to get to work.
Well, the workout I got didn't disappoint. The workout was three rounds of the following:
Run 200 meters
Walking Lunge 100 meters
50 Bodyweight Squats
I fully inteded to do all three rounds. However, intentions don't carry you through those walking lunges.
Bad news, I didn't finish all three rounds
Good news, I did finish two complete rounds before I collasped.
I tried to start the third round, but on my first step of the running segment, my legs crumbled. I was done.